Drawing Snippets on-the-go

Join me on a day of sketching snippets in my sketchbook, as I navigate through the day with my sketchbook in hand.

From waiting rooms to train rides, I capture snippets of my day using minimal materials. Despite the wobbly train, windy spots, and changing scenes, I embrace the imperfections, am being in the moment, and I find joy (so much joy!) in the process.

How To Make Time For Your Drawing Practice

Navigating a busy life while maintaining a consistent sketchbook practice can often feel like a balancing act, even when you made a commitment for yourself to regularly spend time drawing.
Yet, despite our obligations and responsibilities, nurturing our drawing habit is important - even if it was just to stay sane, am I right?
Here’s a quick guide for you with practical strategies for your sketchbook habit. Bring some renewed energy and dedication when you show up to draw (and you know that showing up is the hardest part).

Sketchbook Tour: The Grey Book

In today's video, join me on a sketchbook tour of The Grey Book by HahneMühle. Over nearly a year, I've experimented with various techniques and materials on its grey-toned pages. I started this some time in June, right after taking a colorful workshop taught by Maru Godas and Marina Grechanik. They provided a sketchbook that was partly filled with colored paper - after using that during the workshop, I felt courageous enough to finally take this grey toned sketchbook off the shelf and start filling it.

Let's Draw Together

Will you be joining my Mini-Workshop in May ?
By then I'll be in between two workshop trips: the one in Santa Fe will be behind me, and I'll be gearing up for Germany. Who knows what kind of inspiration I'll take from it all to class.

Sketchbook Tour!

Join me as I flip through the moments captured in my latest sketchbook. From urban sketches to cafe scenes and as always, drawings of my husband, each page tells a story of exploration and growth.

Embrace the wonkiness and celebrate the joy of artistic expression with me!

The Pilot Parallel Pen

Today, it's all about the tools I use for drawing. I'm often asked about my favorite tools, and I believe that whatever feels right for you is your perfect tool. Today, I'm diving into the Pilot Parallel pen, an exciting, bold bold fountain pen that can add expression to your drawings.

Drawing The Mundane

Drawing the mundane might seem insignificant. But instead of trying to find a “meaningful” subject, spend your time drawing the things around you. By drawing these things, you are telling part of your very unique story. AND you’re doing something that makes you happy. That’s not insignificant at all!

Draw with me online

If you ever attended one of my previous online Mini-Workshops, you know how fun it is to hang out, draw together, and learn from each other.

The March Mini-workshop was about drawing random stuff in frames, making it look like there was a plan all along! Even if there wasn’t.

Traveling: Sketch Gear

In this Draw Tip Tuesday video, I share my essential art materials for traveling.

From pens and watercolors to pencils and clips, I'll guide you through what I pack in my sketch kit for creative adventures. Whether you're exploring new places or attending workshops, find out how to keep your travel gear minimal yet versatile.

Plus, I'll reveal handy tips for packing efficiently and staying organized on the go. I've got you covered to keep creating while traveling!

Picking up challenges I procrastinated on

I promised myself not to purchase any new sketchbooks since I already have a stack gathering dust.
Some were gifts, others bought out of curiosity. A few have lingered for years due to their challenging format.

I know for a fact that this is quite relatable for many artists. We always find a reason to buy a new sketchbook!

Usually, I fill one sketchbook completely before moving on to the next one. I might have a side-project-sketchbook next to it, like a toned paper one, or currently a large accordion sketchbook in which I record all corners of my home.

The very oblong sketchbook I am currently working in, gives me quite the challenge.

Drawing on Grey Toned Paper

Today I am drawing in my Hahnemühle grey toned sketchbook.
Stepping out of my comfort zone, I share how important it is to embrace new experiences to grow creatively.
Remember, it's just a drawing—so even if things don't go as planned, like you will see during the recorded process, there's no harm done. It might actually add to the liveliness of your drawing.

Draw Tip Tuesday: Sketchbook Tour

In this week's Draw Tip Tuesday video, I take you on a tour through one of my most recently filled sketchbooks, a Moleskine sketchbook.

I flip through its pages, sharing the stories behind each drawing and the techniques I experimented with. From café scenes to train rides, and even drawing bubble toes (yes, you read that right!), every page is a glimpse into my creative journey.

Drawing in Transit

Oftentimes as an artist, you might find yourself not just what to draw (see my article on this from last week), but also when or where to draw.
Maybe you would like to draw in your sketchbook more often, but you are so busy that you don’t quite know how to implement the practice in your daily life.

Let's Play With Crayons

Remember the joy of drawing as a kid? Crayons bring back that playful flow. Join me as I explore my favorite crayons: Neocolor from Caran d'Ache. Not sponsored, just love 'em! Neocolor I for water-resistant fun, Neocolor II for vibrant watercolor-like effects.

Check out how you can play with them for wonderful textures.

Everything is interesting when you draw it

What you draw isn't as crucial as just getting started and enjoying the process. Our brains sometimes overthink, convincing us that every sketch needs to be profound or carry a profound message. But let's ditch that pressure. Just dive in before those pesky expectations creep in.

Getting Paid To Draw

Today's Draw Tip Tuesday is a special treat! Join me and my friend Mike Lowery, a New York Times Bestselling Illustrator, in a unique Zoom call recording. Mike shares insights from his course "Getting Paid To Draw", a six-week masterclass on building a portfolio to attract clients. Don't miss out, sign up with my affiliate link: [Link]

Plus, dive into our drawing process! Watch as Mike and I create unique pieces from the same reference photos, offering 8 (!) drawing tips along the way. Grab your sketchbook and let's draw together!